Nourishing Tips & Recipes

Each week we will feature a tip for living well or a recipe that we have created or re-invented.

Please let us know what you think of our recipes.  We are always looking for taste testers who love to share their views.  If you like them, please pass them on to others.

To print a PDF of the recipe:  Date Nut Balls

Today’s Gem:



Makes 12-20 balls


3/4 cups raw pumpkin seeds, coarsely ground

1 1/4 cups unsweetened dried dates, chopped

2 tbsp. cocoa

1 tsp. vanilla


1. Place all ingredients in a food processor.

2. Process until they form a ball (about 5 minutes).

3. Using hands, form mixture into balls.

4. Optional: roll in shaved unsweetened coconut, or cocoa or ground sesame seeds.

5. Refrigerate at least 1 hour.


Instead of pumpkins use almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds or a combination

Instead of cocoa use coffee substitute, unsweetened coconut

Created by:  Mary Sherriff, ROHP, For  Your Health Nutrition & Wellness

5 Responses to Nourishing Tips & Recipes

  1. Rhonda says:

    I made the Date Nut Balls tonight and they were really good! It is nice to have something that tastes great with chocolate minus all the butter and sugar. Look forward to more recipes!


  2. Thanks, Rhonda. They are super easy to make as well. We’ve got lots more recipes to come.


  3. Sonja says:

    I think I have had these are Mary’s house before. Delicious!


  4. sharon nagle says:

    These look yummy! I look forward to trying them!


  5. Pingback: You’re Invited… | Aspire, Perspire, Nourish Yourself

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